Thursday, July 25, 2024

Italy's Amalfi Coast Day1

The Amalfi Coast:  Day 1: Departure

The day started out with great promise, beautiful weather, last couple of parking spaces at the park and ride for Rich and Suzie and us, non-stop direct  bus to Logan, and a relaxing couple of hours in the lounge.  Then, about 30 minutes before boarding, we got notifications that our flight was going to be delayed (because they didn’t have a crew!) and we were probably not going to make our connection in Philly. We were automatically rescheduled to leave the next day.  After multiple attempts to find alternatives, the agent who was helping us recommended flying out to Philadelphia, and hoping that the flight to Naples was delayed sufficiently to allow us to get on.  We made it to the gate about a minute after the flight closed! But this allowed us to stay in Philadelphia overnight and spend the whole day enjoying Pennsylvania instead of Italy (sadly missing one of only 2 days in Ischia).  We made the most of it and had a pretty enjoyable day visiting the Liberty Bell,

Independence Hall,

The Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History (which was closed)

The Statue of Commander Uriah Phillips Levy, the first Jewish Naval Commodore

The Congregation Mikvah Israel

and the Reading Terminal Market for a Philly Pretzel and Barrett’s Ice Cream (since 1861!)

We rounded out the day with our overnight flight to Naples.

(sorry it took me a while to remeber how to do this.  More tomorrow)


  1. So glad to see you made lemonade when the airline gave you lemons! Looks like a good first day!

  2. 👍Philly is a cool city to explore..
