Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Corsica/Tuscany Day 1

Day 1:  Arrival in Nice

Trip was pretty uneventful.  Got some sleep on the plane (thanks to Ambient) and landed in Amsterdam's Schipol Airport early, around 5:15 their time (11:15 for our bodies).  

From Amsterdam, we had a short flight over the Alps
then out over the Med to land in Nice, capital of the Cote d'Azur.

Our friends, Erik and Beth Roper, arrived about an hour after us, and we decided that our best course of action was to spend the afternoon walking the city hopefully to be able to stay awake long enough to ward of jet lag.

The weather was spectacular, bringing out the colors of the ubiquitous red roofs of the many varieties of shops in the old city.

 We hiked up to the castle hill for the views

 and the large Chateau Cemetery (thinking of you, Molly!).

 Adjacent to the Chateau cemetery is the Jewish Cemetery.
 We wandered back down the Castle Hill and got lost in the maze of the old city.

 We finally made it out of the maze at the Mediterranean.
 We continued south on the Promenade Anglais, a wide walkway and dedicated bikeway along the beach, toward our hotel, Le Meridien.
 We  grabbed an early dinner at a fish restaurant around the corner from the hotel and  tried to stay awake until 9.  It was touch and go, falling asleep at the computer off and on, but I made it (Jeri, not so much).
Famous Hotel Negresco just south of our hotel

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