Monday, August 5, 2024

Italy's Amalfi Coast Day 6

Day 6: Capri (for some)

Roadblocks for a great trip continued to pop up.  This morning I woke up with what appears to be a kidney stone.  I tried hard to power through, as far as getting to the ferry dock in Positano, but realized there was no way I could continue.  

Positano Ferry Dock

We sent Rich and Suzie on the ferry, 

and Jeri arranged a water taxi to take us back to the hotel. There wasn't a chance in Hell of me being able to walk back up from the ferry dock to the road or tolerate the 20-30 min car trip back.  The water taxi fare was about the best $50 we ever spent. The water taxi only took 10 minutes.  We spent the rest of the day sitting outside by the pool resting.

Positano from the Water Taxi

Check out the Steps to the Water

Saracen Tower

Rich and Suzie spent the day in Capri.  I am posting some of their photos and will try to have them write some description at a later date 

By later in the afternoon when they returned, I was feeling better enough to go out to dinner.  We decided to eat again at the restaurant at the hotel since we had to pack to leave tomorrow morning. Dinner was great and the setting beautiful.

We finally got to drink the nice bottle of Proseco that Ciao Andiamo gave us

Tomorrow, cooking class and transfer to Naples.

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