Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day 12: El Calafate to El Chalten

We were pleasantly surprised to have Nadia greeting us this morning after breakfast.  She wound up being our guide on our trip to el Chalten.

Along the route, we stopped at  lagoon on Lago Argentino that was full of flamingos, ducks, and swans. 

We also stopped toe see about 8 condors flying above us.   
At the half-way point of the 3 hour drive, we made a pit stop at el Hotel La Leona. 

According to local lore, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the real ones, stopped at this hotel on their way to their fateful rendezvous in Bolivia.  There were photos and news clippings related to the outlaws on the walls.

Nadia informed us that the trip to el Chalten may take a bit longer due to strong headwinds.  I only thought that was true with air travel, but bucking a 50-60 mph headwind apparently has a major effect on busses the size of ours.  In addition to the wind, the weather seemed to be deteriorating.  The mountains were socked in and there was at least the threat of rain.

El Chalten is a very young town, only about 15 years old, with its roads and other infrastructure in place in only the last few years..  Prior to this, it was just a few houses and services for climbers.  It is still pretty basic.  Our hotel is closer to a Day’s Inn than the Ritz.  It is still the best in town, though.

Though the weather was marginal, we decided to try to get in a short hike.  We walked from the hotel to the ranger station and took a trail from there to el Mirador de los Condores (Lookout for Condors).  I think the condors decided that the weather was not ideal and stayed at home.  We planned to do an additional trail that overlooks a lake, but the weather looked like rain was imminent, so we decided to head back to the hotel.

Dinner was at a local microbrewery.  Had some good beer, empanadas, and a local stew called "locro" that was excellent.  Rest of the dinner, so, so.

The weather looks good (if you can believe the weathermen here in Argentina) for tomorrow, but the following day, they are predicting some pretty intense wind, 65 mph! The rangers recommended no hiking at that wind speed.  I’ve had plans rained out, snowed out and iced out, but never winded out.  Lets hope the prediction is wrong.

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